Thursday, 15 September 2011

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

B & B pudding

A little too toasty... tasted okay though...

Monday, 1 August 2011

A weekend of pain

Yet another 24 hour snow trip, but this time it wasn't as crazy cos sleep was involved... but a most uncomfortable, cold and bad sleep.

All this travel and blizzard-like conditions followed by some cricket fielding on Sunday... oh I sprinted like I have never sprinted before!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Fusion teas, Bo Earl, our invention!

T2 has stolen our idea of fusion Chinese and English teas, but the joke's on them cos Bo Earl tastes like shite, and a different combination was pretty fantastic (but we've forgotten what that was...).

My respect for T2 has hit an all time low after its blasphemous move to not only ruin the already perfect taste of the Bo Lei but to do it with such ignorance and combine it with Earl Grey! It's funny that they didn't include the tradition Bo Lei combination with Chrysanthemum - that would have won them some respite.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

First look at Costco

They have everything in Giant and Gianter sizes. If it's not huge, then there's a lot of them!

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Week 3 of feeding myself - Japchae

japchae attempt

I'm slowly making my way to Chinese food. First week was lamb cutlets with easy-peasy roasted veges. Then lasagna with burnt bechamel sauce, and now, Japchae... Now the room smells cos I forgot to close the door...

Thursday, 7 July 2011

I'm no masterchef!

lasagna with burnt bechamel sauce

It would've been faster if I made my own fire with a couple of sticks rather than using the electric stove in the kitchen... After much mulling and waiting and burning... and then what seemed like boiling in the oven, tada - lasagna!

Slight burn flavour in the bechamel sauce but most of that was masked by the meat sauce, *phew*

Lesson for the week: Read recipes several times before attempting any cooking and PRINT recipe!

Lasagna recipe brought to me by the nice people at


overfilled sugar container

A poor workman blames his tools. In my case, the lack of tools!

I had to put down a can of beetroot last night because I don't own a can opener... I didn't eat any meat last night because I don't own a cleaver or knife sharp enough to cut any (and cos I had too much for lunch and felt gross)... and I didn't end up making canned soup because I don't own a ladle to serve it...

oh, not to mention the disfunctional stove that doesn't switch off lol.

I'd buy all these tools but I haven't been paid yet! Grrrrr!!!

Friday, 1 July 2011

It's Fatty Friday!

plain burger from the milkbar

Don't you just love it when a plain burger means it includes lettuce, tomato, onion and beetroot!! I had to run out of the takeaway shop in case I made a decision I would undoubtedly regret, like potato scallops (4 greasy ones for $3.20)!

Pissing all over incontinence

Friday, 25 February 2011


...a monitor calibrator
so these colours come out right...